Statewide — Membership Directory | SCACED


CommunityWorks, Inc.

Key Programs: Small Dollar Consumer loans, Small Business loans, Community Loans, Financial Wellness Coaching, Home Buying Assistance, Affordable Housing 

Phone #: 864-235-6331


Mission: Committed to building a brighter future for under served families and communities through financial education, lending, and investing. We envision robust and vibrant communities that offer the opportunity for financial stability and economic achievement for everyone.

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Eat Smart Move More SC

Key Programs: Health and Wellness Advocacy, Community Action, Youth Engagement, Consumer Awareness 

Phone #: 803-667-9810


Mission: Advances community-led change to reduce obesity, by making the health choice the easy choice for every South Carolinian. Works with community partners to create healthy eating and active living options where we live, learn, work, pray and play. The focus of our work is advocacy, community action, youth engagement, and consumer awareness.

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Habitat for Humanity South Carolina

Key Programs: Advocacy, Affordable Rental Housing, Home Ownership, LoCAL Housing, Housing Solution for Homeless Service Providers, Men’s Workforce Development, Mixed Use Development, Community and Economic Development


Mission: Expanding the capacity of Habitat in communities across South Carolina by increasing access to resources, facilitating communication between affiliates and the community, and providing statewide representation leading to the creation of thriving communities that support families in need.

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Homes of Hope, Inc.

Key Programs: Affordable Rental Housing, Home Ownership, LoCAL Housing, Housing Solution for Homeless Service Providers, Men’s Workforce Development, Mixed Use Development, Community and Economic Development

Phone #: 864-269-4663


Mission: Our vision is to provide opportunities for generational change throughout South Carolina. We do this in two ways, Rebuilding Communities and Rebuilding Lives.

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SC Uplift Community Outreach

Key Programs: Housing Rehabilitation Program, Affordable Rental and Community Service Program, Affordable Housing Development, Social Entrepreneurship Development, Community Needs Assessment, Conflict Analysis and Development, Social Enterprise, Fiscal Sponsorship, Summerton Hemp House Project

Phone #: 803-691-4742


Mission: SC UpLift Community Outreach’s mission is to empower, enable and support community members in their efforts to revitalize greater midlands area neighborhoods. SC UPLIFT serves as a vehicle through which residents and businesses can work together to solve problems and improve life in their community.

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Self-Help Credit Union

Key Programs & Services: Personal checking & savigs accounts, IRA accounts, Community Recovery Initiative, Home Mortgage Loans, Personal Loans, Credit Cards, Auto Loans, Business Accounts, Commercial Loans, SBA Loans, Commercial Real Estate Development Program, Financial Coaching

Phone #: 864.438.2421 x3140


Mission: Self-Help Credit Union’s mission is creating and protecting ownership and economic opportunity for all, especially people of color, women, rural residents and low-wealth families and communities. Self-Help Credit Union does this by this by providing responsible financial services, lending to small businesses and nonprofits, developing real estate and promoting fair financial practices.

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South Carolina African American Heritage Foundation

Key Programs: National Register of Historic Places, Historical Markers, Tax Incentives, Grants, Hurricane Grants

Phone #: 803-896-6196


Mission: To support the efforts of the South Carolina African American Heritage Commission, which are to identify and promote the preservation of historic sites, structures, buildings, and culture of the African American experience in South Carolina, and to assist and enhance the efforts of the South Carolina Department of Archives and History.

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South Carolina Community Capital Alliance

Key Programs: Financial Education and Trainings, Adovcacy, Underwrite and Finance QFEs

Phone #:


Mission: Our mission is to facilitate the investment of capital in South Carolina in order to improve the quality of life for all her citizens by providing responsible and affordable financial products and services that are a major catalyst for community and economic growth in under-served neighborhoods and communities.

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South Carolina Community Loan Fund

Key Programs: Lending, Technical Assistance, Advocacy and Policy, Assessment and Knowledge Sharing

Phone #: 843-973-7285


Mission: To advance equitable access to capital to build assets and benefit the communities and people most in need of economic opportunity. Acknowledging that the need for our work is rooted in generations of injustice and disinvestment, we focus on serving people of color, women, low-income individuals, and those in rural communities.

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South Carolina Legal Services

Key Programs: Areas of legal services include: consumer/finance, education, elder law, employment, family, health, housing, income maintenance/public benefits, immigration/migrant, tax

Phone #: 803-744-4179


Mission: South Carolina Legal Services is a statewide law firm that provides civil legal services to protect the rights and represent the interests of low income South Carolinians.

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Telamon Corporation

Key Programs: First-Time Homebuyer Program, Rental Education & Counseling, Fair Housing Rights, Homelessness Services, Credit Counseling, Personal Financial Coaching, Mortgage Assitance, National Farmworker Jobs Program

Phone #: 864-573-8783


Mission: Our mission is to provide educational services, but these don’t always occur in a classroom. Telamon-TRC staff members teach customers to access resources in their community, overcome barriers to employment or manage their finances. While not every service we provide will lead directly to better jobs and better lives, what we do often lays the foundation upon which our customers can build a better future.

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South Carolina Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Key Programs: Entrepreneur Empowerment Series, Axeso Microlending Program, Starting & Growing a Business, Membership

Phone #: (864) 643-7261


Mission: To promote the economic growth of Hispanic businesses in South Carolina. We are committed to developing programs and facilitating the resources that help Hispanic businesses reach their full potential.

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