

Key Programs: Flexible small business and micro loans, technical assistance, advisory services

Phone #: 843-973-7298


Mission: Offers opportunity by assisting the growth and development of micro-enterprise and small business concerns, thereby creating and retaining employment opportunities in its service market. The LDC provides flexible business lending products, along with extensive technical assistance, to women-owned, minority-owned, low-income, veteran, and other under served business owners.

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The Charleston Rhizome Collective

Key Programs: Art Projects and Workshops 

Phone #: 843-723-1018


Mission: We seek to develop a body of artworks and art projects as a trail intersecting with layers of class, race, trades and domains, questioning and creating points of entrée in the arts for all, educators, artists, activists, participants or commissioners and clients.

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Community Assistance Provider

Key Programs: Affordable Housing, Emergency Housing Rehabilitation (ER), Homeownership Opportunities, HUD Certified Housing and Financial Counseling, Owner Occupied Rehabilitation (OOR)

Phone #: 803-771-0050


Mission: Improve quality of life by providing affordable housing and economic opportunities for low to moderate-income individuals and families throughout our fifteen county service area.

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East Cooper Community Outreach (ECCO)

Key Programs: Food and Clothing, Financial Assistance, Household Furnishings, Dental Care, Medical Clinics, Prescription Assistance Programs, Counseling Services Health Education, Empowerment 

Phone #: 843-849-9220


Mission: To provide safety net services to our low income neighbors, while empowering them to create a better future for themselves, their families, and our communities.

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Eastside Community Development Corporation

Key Programs: Affordable Transitional Housing, Stop the Violence/Unity Day, Eastside Pride Liter Program, Back to School Giveaway, Be Great Summer Camp, Ohana Youth Cooking, Be Fit Feel Great Fitness

Phone #: 843-952-7193


Mission: We are here to help provide our residents with the tools and resources they need to grow out of the hardships and into their well-deserved American Dream. We are here to help beautify the community, advocate for more affordable housing, demand for more educational resources for our youth, promote getting back to school by offering a small scholarship, and many other needs of the community.

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Increasing H.O.P.E.

Key Programs: Intro to Financial Freedom, Debt Buster, Creating Financial Freedom, Keys to Home Ownership, Small Business Success

Phone #: 843-225-4343


Mission: Our mission is creating financial freedom for families in South Carolina.

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Lowcountry Rice Culture Project

Key Programs: Rice Forum, Rice Arts Forum, The Study of: Art, Food, Politics, Land Use, and Healthcare

Phone #: 843-872-5062


Mission: Purpose is to discover and revive the significance of rice cultivation and its legacies, and to use this history as a launching off point for broad discussions of race, class, art, trade, history and economics—in short, the various aspects of culture in the Southeast.

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Palmetto Works Community Development Corporation

Key Programs: Culinary and Hospitality Operatives Prepared to Serve (C.H.O.P.S.), Palmetto Kids!, Work it Out Leadership Academy

Phone #: 843-333-1911


Mission: To help children, adolescents, and adults do their age and developmentally appropriate work through Palmetto Kids Music & Arts Academy, Work-It-Out Leadership Academy, and C.H.O.P.S.

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Telamon Corporation

Key Programs: First-Time Homebuyer Program, Rental Education & Counseling, Fair Housing Rights, Homelessness Services, Credit Counseling, Personal Financial Coaching, Mortgage Assitance, National Farmworker Jobs Program

Phone #: 864-573-8783


Mission: Our mission is to provide educational services, but these don’t always occur in a classroom. Telamon-TRC staff members teach customers to access resources in their community, overcome barriers to employment or manage their finances. While not every service we provide will lead directly to better jobs and better lives, what we do often lays the foundation upon which our customers can build a better future.

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