Greenville — Membership Directory | SCACED


Allen Temple Community Economic Development Corporation

Counties/Area Served: Greenville, Pickens 

Key Programs: Affordable Rental Programs, Low-Income Housing Programs, Very Low-Income Housing Programs


Phone #: 864-298-0077


Mission: ATCEDC exists for the purpose of bringing affordable housing and economic development to neighborhoods that are underserved by the normal stream of for-profit development and economic activity… In the process of addressing the needs of low-income residents, the entire neighborhood is strengthened, and the prospects for successful market-driven activity are thereby encouraged and enhanced.

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Carolina Foothills Federal Credit Union

Key Programs: Personal and Business banking accounts & loans, micro loans and grants, credit cards, student checking and savings accounts

Genesis Homes

Counties Served: Greenville, Laurens, Spartanburg, Pickens, Anderson

Key Programs: Develop, build and manage affordable single family and multi-family housing; Support community outreach and neighborhood strengthening programs with organizations working in the neighborhoods where Genesis homes are built.

Phone #: 864-735-8083



Mission: Building new lives, one home at a time!

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Greenville County Human Relations Commission

Key Programs: Counseling for financial and housing services

Phone #: 864-467-7095


Mission: To improve the quality of life in the County of Greenville by promoting positive community relations and equal opportunity.

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Greenville County Redevelopment Authority (GCRA)

Key Programs: Neighborhood Revitalization, Local Business Grants and Loans, Funding Public Services Through Grants

Phone #: 864-242-9801


Mission: Secure resources and educate stakeholders to meet the needs of Greenville County citizens through affordable housing.

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Habitat for Humanity of Greenville County

Key Programs: Habitat for Humanity Homeownership Program, Habitat Restore, Women Build Campaign, Habitat Young Professional

Phone #: 864-370-4787


Mission: Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope. All who believe that everyone needs a decent, affordable place to live are welcome to help with the work – regardless of race, religion, age, gender, political views or any other distinction.

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LISC Upstate SC

Key Programs: Workforce development, Small Business Development, Affordable Housing Strategies, Capactiy-Building and Training, 

Phone #: 864-374-2711


Mission: With residents and partners, LISC forges resilient and inclusive communities of opportunity across America – great places to live, work, visit, do business and raise families.

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Nehemiah Community Revitalization Corporation

Key Programs: Single Family Homes, Apartments, Townhomes, and Neighborhood Expansion

Phone #: 864-655-5855


Mission: To be a South Carolina community catalyst, empowering and nurturing collaboratives to develop quality, affordable housing and independent life skills for low income people.

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Neighborhood Focus

Key Programs: Afterschool Program, Friday Night Club, Summer Enrichment

Phone #: 864-412-8465


Mission: Our Mission is to create hope and opportunities for Greenville’s at-risk students through Christ-centered educational and social enrichment.

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PlaySafe SC

Key Programs: Athletic training program for students, Community-based secondary school program, Certified athletic trainer management program

Counties Served: Anderson, Greenville, Spartanburg, Pickens

Phone #: (864) 278-0550


Mission: To support essential sports medicine services to our athletic youth and community by providing certified athletic trainers to secondary schools in our community.

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Rebuild Upstate

Key Programs: Repairing home of low-income residents to make homes safer, healthier, and more livable

Phone #: 864-603-2708


Mission: We envision an Upstate where everyone has the opportunity to live a life of dignity in a safe home environment in order to maintain and foster strong, sustainable communities. We engage with community partners to provide funding and volunteer support for home repair. The idea is simple: if you protect the home, you protect the homeowner inside it. The best home for a homeowner at-risk in the affordable housing crisis is the home they already own.

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Soteria Community Development Corporation

Key Programs: Prison Re-Entry, Soteria House, Soteria at Work, Affordable Housing

Phone #: 864-272-0681


Mission: Soteria CDC advocates for economic and social justice for those and their families impacted by the criminal justice system. We work to create opportunities for previously incarcerated men to reenter society through transitional housing, life skills, and job training.

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Sterling Community Land Trust

Key Programs: Sterling Pride Farm, Sterling Neighborhood Sustainability Initiative

Phone #:


Mission: To protect, preserve and promote the historic legacies of the Sterling community through economic development, education, and historic preservation.

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Step by Step Ministry Hope Project

Key Programs: Emergency Shelter, Nutritional Meals, Case Management, Life Skills Training, Vocational Training, Higher Education, Financial Wellness and Stabilization, Job and Health Assistance

Phone #: 864-315-3730


Mission: We strive to empower formerly incarcerated women at intake on providing a holistic and comprehensive approach to reentry services that connect to outside community programs on engagement for self-help to 12-Step recovery…Together we make time for peer to peer discussions, demonstrate a craft, prepare a meal or make a favorite dish, create a new hairdo, topic discussions, laughs and giggles together in a family-setting to enhance home life a realization for many formerly-and-currently incarcerated women for positive restoration to reduce harm and increase self-care and engage in activities that is full of joy and motivational.

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Telamon Corporation

Key Programs: First-Time Homebuyer Program, Rental Education & Counseling, Fair Housing Rights, Homelessness Services, Credit Counseling, Personal Financial Coaching, Mortgage Assitance, National Farmworker Jobs Program

Phone #: 864-573-8783


Mission: Our mission is to provide educational services, but these don’t always occur in a classroom. Telamon-TRC staff members teach customers to access resources in their community, overcome barriers to employment or manage their finances. While not every service we provide will lead directly to better jobs and better lives, what we do often lays the foundation upon which our customers can build a better future.

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