Pee Dee — Membership Directory | SCACED

Pee Dee

A Father’s Place

Key Programs: Fatherhood Program, Peer Group Sessions, Jobs Not Jail

Counties/Area Served: Horry, Georgetown, Marion, Williamsburg

Phone #: 843-488-2923


Mission: To engage and empower fathers in the positive support of their children through goal-oriented programs that enable them to find stable employment, practice healthy parenting, and gain hope for the future of their families.

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Town of Andrews Community & Economic Development Association

Counties/Area Served: Andrews 

Key Programs: Community and Economic Development Programs and Incentives

Phone #: 843-264-8666


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Carolina Human Reinvestment

Key Programs: Youth Programs, Teens After School Center, Amachi Initiative

Phone #: 843-461-4305 


Mission: Inspires a healing environment for the growth, empowerment, and unlimited potential in community youth and families.

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Dillon County Boys and Girls Youth Center

Key Programs: Skillset Development, Employment Counseling Classes, Character Education Programs, Resume Writing and Application Processing, College/Career Exploration, Drug/Alcohol and Teen Pregnancy Prevention, Educational Workshops, After School Tutoring Programs, Health and Fitness Programs, Literacy Programs 

Phone #: 843-487-5023


Mission: Promote health, social, education, cultural, character and leadership development. Aims to help young people to improve their lives by building self-esteem and developing values and skills during critical periods of growth. We believe that all young people regardless of race and/or creed, need to know someone cares.

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Georgetown Business Association – Downtown Georgetown Revitalization

Key Programs: Community and Economic Development Programs and Incentives

Phone #: 843-461-9102


Mission: The purpose of GBA is to encourage the economic development and revitalization of the City of Georgetown and to provide a forum for members to share knowledge, best practices and vital information that can positively impact the success of all local businesses.

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King’s Court

Key Programs: Homeless Shelter, Soup Kitchen and Pantry, Afterschool Youth Program, Summer Food Service Program

Phone #: 864-464-7895


Mission: The mission of King’s Court is to strengthen families and individuals by providing a safe haven where the basic needs of food, water, shelter and clothing are met, and new connections to training, continued education, counseling, and other resources are made available, to push them towards becoming stable and productive members of the community.

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Prime Community Development Corporation

Key Programs: Financial Literacy and Empowerment Program, Community Supportive Services Program, IDA/Home Ownership Program, Quality Affordable Rental and Housing Program, Youth Re-Entry and Aftercare Assistance Program

Rembert Area Community Coalition

Key Programs: Rembert Youth Center Afterschool Care, Summer Camp, Senior Citizens Center, Community Long Term Care, Benefit Bank Program, Emergency Food Bank, HIV Task Force, Anti-Poverty Task Force, One World Task Force

Phone #: 803-420-1255


Mission: Encourage the residents of Rembert, South Carolina to effectively work together to build a thriving township.

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Rural Area Leadership Initiative

Key Programs: Rural Area Leadership Institute 

Phone #: 843-845-2875


Mission: The mission of the BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation is to promote and support healthier South Carolinians, particularly the economically vulnerable, by supporting solutions to address gaps in health care and serving as an agent of change to support innovation and value-added public-private partnerships.

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Santee Lynches Community Development Corporation

Key Programs: SC Help, Rehabilitation Programs, SC 33% Tax Credit Program, Rental Program

Phone #: 803-436-0020


Mission: We are an independent, community based, nonprofit with a Mission to enhance communities by creating quality, safe, decent and affordable housing and other forms of economic opportunities that benefit low to moderate income individuals living in 15 county service areas in South Carolina.

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