Cradle to Career plans new digital equity initiative | SCACED

Cradle to Career plans new digital equity initiative

Live5 WCSC

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - A Lowcountry non-profit is planning to launch a new initiative to get technology and internet to families in need on the peninsula.

Tri-County Cradle to Career CEO Phyllis Martin says technology and internet access is no longer just nice to have, it’s necessary to have. During the pandemic she says it’s become even more necessary for students, which is why Cradle to Career plans to help provide all families in the East Side Community with access to these digital necessities.

“We can’t change educational outcomes for children if we’re not impacting the systems that surround children and families,” Martin said.

With their new pilot program, which they are presenting to the Charleston County Finance Committee Thursday afternoon, they plan to provide computers, internet, and other digital essentials to families who are without.

Martin says they are joining up with the East Side Community Development Cooperation to make it happen.